Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2012 and The Amazing Opportunites Ahead

2011 has been one intense year- that is for sure. We started with floods, earthquakes, nuclear leakage which have forced us to reassess life and forced us to transform into a new way of being…a shift in mindset and attitude and a transformation from old to new. What is happening to so many around us, because of this shift, is an awakening to  a new, yet deeply familiar feeling, energy or essence. This is an awakening of the Feminine Energy, an energy which has been suppressed within us for so long. Let’s explore….

Before I go on I really want to stress that what I am talking about here is not gender based- I am not talking about male or female, I am talking about the 2 energy patterns which exist in all of us (men and women)- masculine and feminine- yin and yang. (see previous post…)
To date, the feminine essence has been down played because we thought it was weak, vulnerable and unable to lead us or protect us. However this essence has been misunderstood, misguided, abused and made to believe that the masculine essence was the driving force. And because of this our feminine essence has been suppressed, manipulated, abused and made to believe it is weak and insignificant. The masculine, as the driving force, has also, as a result of a suppressed feminine, become over dominant and has thrown out our natural balance.
As we watch the current paradigms around us implode (seen clearly in the economic climate- the playground for the intense masculine), it becomes apparent that anything which stems from this “intense” masculine will self destruct.
What this means is that anything which stems from control, domination, greed, force, or the intention to survive will implode. Why…Because all of that behavior stems from FEAR. We are being tested here… ARE YOU GOING TO CHOOSE FEAR OR ARE YOU GOING TO CHOOSE FAITH? Carolyn Myss, Author of The Anatomy of the Spirit says, “…any choice made from fear is a violation of the energy of faith.” So we now have an opportunity to choose faith and that comes from a connection with our feminine essence.
Remember, the masculine is about will, power, action, determination, competition, purpose, focus, ambition, logic…with the main goal of Self Protection or Survival. The extreme effect of the masculine energy has created war, struggle and the feeling of never being enough and therefore the need to constantly push and prove ourselves. The dominant part of our body in our masculine is the mind. If these behaviors are balanced with the feminine, then that is fine, but if the feminine is suppressed, then these behaviors become excessive and forceful, rather than flow.
The Feminine is about gentleness, respect, trust, caring, nurturing, being grounded, wisdom, stillness, compassionate, playful & creative…with the main goal being service to others. The dominant part of the body in our feminine is the heart. This behavior has the goal of contribution. It still needs the masculine to drive the action, yet the intention and intensity is completing different.
I am seeing this awakening with every client I work with. The amazing women I am working with are waking up to the need to be more, give more, get more creative and step into leadership, in a graceful, playful yet grounded way. They no longer accept nor tolerate control or manipulation and want 2 things – their truth and their freedom. Women in this space are allowing their natural tendencies to flow while building the muscles of their masculine, and allowing themselves to come more into flow with their intuition and inner guidance.
The beautiful men I am working with are beginning to see the effects of their strong, over-charged “masculine energy” and are allowing themselves to enter the beautiful space within their hearts. These men are so gracefully powerful because once they awaken to their feminine they balance out their masculine and have a strong integration of head and heart. This means they step into the space of service and contribution and have the focus, determination and the strength of the masculine to support them. They are starting to feel more, have more empathy and can give and receive openly. They no longer feel vulnerable in their “heart space” and now see this integration as a powerful space of balance.

For both men and women, coming into this space of a strong feminine and a balanced masculine leads to a feeling of being "IN CONTROL." When we feel in control (which is different to the need to control) then we feel safe and in the space of safety there is no fear.
So as you can see it is not about giving up the masculine; it’s now about allowing the feminine to lead and the masculine to support and be the strong foundation. We can see this awakening unfold in the following 12 steps:
1.      We switch off our “survival mode” and connect to a deeper purpos, trust and wisdom within us- we aim to make a difference and step into contribution
2.      We follow our intuition/ gut feeling and know how to connect with it
3.      We know how to constantly purify our intention and ensure we are making our decisions from faith and not fear
4.      We then become more still which enables us to be present and in the Now.
5.      When we are present we can listen more
6.      Because we can listen more, we hear people on a deeper level and we can then understand them more
7.      With understanding we can accept them more and switch off our inner judgment
8.      Because we have no judgment we stop taking things personally because we are more accepting of ourselves and others
9.      When we accept ourselves, we embrace who we are and strive to be the best version of ourselves- we work with our full potential- we become empowered
10. When we work with our full potential we connect with our highest creative energy (feminine)
11. With this creative energy we become creators, inventors and innovators- we begin to expand on what we know and create new products, new thoughts, new models and new ways of being. We go out of our comfort zone and see the world through a greater, expanded awareness.
12. And with this innovation and creative flare we become leaders in a soft, gentle, graceful, yet powerful way.
This form of leadership has no other intention except being who you are and sharing that with others; there is nothing to prove and it is not about power or winning or any self gain- it is simply about BEING. Imagine a world where we are all living in this level of leadership, where our “titles” and “status” disappear and our focus shifts to how much we can give and how much we can be- how much we can serve.
This does not mean giving up our masculine qualities of action, drive, focus, or purpose…it means we take all these amazing qualities and drive them through the feminine (not the other way round). We have a value shift where our passion to serve others leads to an abundant lifestyle, where our focus is not on surviving but THRIVING.
From here now, instead of the “feminine” being perceived as weak, it is now absolute strength- the more vulnerable you can be now only means the more authentic you can be, and the more authentic you can be the more you are in your truth. From being in your truth, you will feel stronger and more confident and have a new burst of enthusiasm with which you then become an inspiration and light for others (again a new model and psychology of leadership).
2012 offers us the perfect start to be this now and with Friday being the 11.11.11 we can see this as a gateway into the new…a fresh new start into new energy and a new way of being. We can step into our feminine essence and feminine energy and allow the heart to lead.  Use the powerful energy of 11.11.11 to walk through this doorway; leave the old behind and start the new relationship with your divine feminine essence. You can do this on Friday (11.11.11) as a powerful meditation or visualization exercise.

Whooo hooo, bring it on, baby!

Towards your truth and freedom,

Cheryne Blom
For more about Cheryne please also see: http://www.cheryneblom.com/ 
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COMING SOON- MASTERING THE ART OF SELF LOVE ONLINE PROGRAM! STARTING MARCH 2012The ultimate 12 step process- please email me your interest here

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