Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Your Valentine REALLY Wants!

wonderful friend gave me an amazing book last week called “The Messages from Water and the Universe” (Dr Masaru Emoto)

Emoto studied the power of water and after years of research discovered the amazing water crystals. The most significant discovery made was how water transformed when exposed to the words love and gratitude.
This quick video explains it best…

We can now understand why we glow when we are in love. We can also understand how gratitude instantly opens our hearts.
So it got me thinking with today being Valentine’s day…What do we really want to receive this valentine’s day?
 Simple… love and gratitude. In his book Emoto speaks about the giving and receiving of love and gratitude. Love is the action of giving and gratitude is the receiving- as per all the laws of the universe there is a balance between yang and yin- action and stillness.
So knowing that our body is made up of over 70% water we can begin to think about what effect our external (and internal) environment is creating within us- if we had those crystals within us what would they look like? What if we knew how to effect the water within ourselves and produce those magnificent crystals within us? What if it was as simple as the transference of love and gratitude?
Imagine, every loving word and every loving action made towards your partner was creating that level of beauty within them. Would that, then not be the greatest gift you can give your partner- or anyone else for that matter?
It would be like giving your partner the showroom of TIFFANY & Co (and save yourself thousands) J

The problem with many relationships is that after a while or after an incident we begin to doubt a person. We begin to judge a person and step completely out of the action of unconditional love. We tend to lose respect and begin to see that person in a completely different light- our whole energy towards that person (our vibration) changes. We break that flow of giving love. That person then responds back by saying we are giving them bad vibes- so rather then feeling the love and sending it back they begin to send a negative energy back- and so the molecules begin to break down.
We also begin to take a person for granted, rather than staying in the humbled state of being grateful for what they bring us and how they make us feel- we forget, and in that forgetting break the flow and the energy.
So what if we stayed in absolute belief- what if we gave love no matter what. THE “EGO WORLD” would come to an end. And what if we remained grateful for everything we have, even if the situation or the person is not exactly how we want it to be? We would allow people and situations to flow easily and stay in their beauty.
Perhaps the best gift is to tell your valentine how much you love them and list everything you are grateful for…and don’t hold back…acknowledge them for everything they are and watch them glow from within. Watch those crystals come to life.
So I guess Emoto is right, water does carry our biggest messages and what a message to embrace this Valentine’s Day. Have an awesome day!
With love and gratitude,

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PPS. Please share your comments here- would love to hear how your Valentine's gifts were received


  1. Beautifully articulated Cheryne and I love the comparison with Dr Emoto's water crystals. You're right, it's all about moving beyond the ego and giving love unconditionally. In other word, give love without any expectation of receiving it back. It will naturally return anyway. Genuine heart felt unconditional love has extraordinary power to transform relationships. Eckhart Tolle when talking to Oprah Winfrey in A New Earth Webcast said that he believes that humanity will eventually evolve and discard the ego.

  2. Ben, thank you for your comment. Yes I too believe we will evolve beyond our EGO and exist only within our ESSENCE- in that space we will thrive! I love what you said about giving love without any expectation of receiving back- very powerful! Thank you for your contribution.
