Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's your ME ME?

I was having lunch with an awesome friend this week and he asked me if I knew what MEME MARKETING IS? The actual meaning is an idea that spreads over the internet however we started playing with the concept calling it… ME ME Marketing. What’s that?
Well your”Me Me” is something unique to you, something that no one else has, something that you are known for. Something that you can say, yep, that is me, no one else has that! He said, “Your Me Me is easy…it’s your hair?
“My Hair? What? My hair is  my Me Me?” The part I enjoy least about myself (note that I said that as positively as I can)? The One aspect of myself which has made me feel different and “aesthetically challenged” (again aiming to state it as positively as I can). The aspect of myself which led me to fear not fitting in, feeling like I don’t belong and not good enough? You mean to tell me that what I feel has been my greatest liability is actually my greatest asset?”
Before I continue…here is a picture from my childhood so you know what we are dealing with…
What can I say... It was the 70's!

“Yep,” he said, “people can see you from a mile away and know it is you.” (on some really frizzy days you may even see me from the moon) J
Wow, this is pretty awesome, because this now meant that what I perceived as my greatest weakness could now be my greatest strength. I’m loving this!
 I left our lunch thinking about the concept of My Me Me. Coaches hat went back on… well this is really cool, I thought, because what this really is all about is, self acceptance. If we can accept the part of ourselves we like least then, well, there goes all the self doubt, self judgment and lack of self worth. What gets returned to us is a sense of playfulness and joy of self. We can have fun with ourselves, and make the most with what we have been given. We become grateful for our unique, perceived “flaws” and make them our Me Me.

Our Me Me therefore represents our core essence and it is our essence which shines upon the world. This essence is our unique energy or frequency each one of us gives off to the world around us. Each one of us has a unique energy field which we collectively combine to make up our environment. When we all focus on this uniqueness as our Me Me, we have the power to create a collective positive environment filled with love!
And this is when this becomes really cool! Because, when we focus on our Me ME shining out to the world around us, we realize that each of us individually touch each other and each of us make a difference and most importantly a special contribution. If you now know that your Me Me is the aspect of yourself everyone loves best about you, well then aren’t you going to want to share it proudly and generously?
When I was thinking of this concept, I remembered being at a seminar years ago where a lady told me my hair made her smile. At first my Ego popped up and had a field day with that comment, but then she said it really makes her feel good. Wow, so our ME ME makes people feel good? How powerful! By simply being our Me Me we make others happy! How simple and how magnificent? How perfect?
So… my question to you this week is…
What is your unique quality that makes up you? What is your special gift that you bring to the world? When you walk into a room what is the first thing people notice about you? How does your energy field feel and how is that shining onto others around you? One way to feel your own energy field is to get out into nature, in a quiet place with lots of trees around you. In the stillness, you will begin to notice that the trees give off an energy; they are actually reflecting back your own energy field, and here you can get a sense of what it feels like to be you and be in your energy field.
On a separate note…think about what your ME ME is for your business and take your business to another powerful level! Think of what your business uniqueness is and how that uniqueness effects others and shines onto others. That’s an idea worth trade marking J If you work within a business, think of what your ME ME does to your role and how your ME ME effects your colleagues- notice yourself step into a new light of influence and watch your “job” become a place of purpose and joy!
And as we wrap up what was for many people a challenging 2011, think about how you can go out and work your Me Me; use your gifts to create a global, collective consciousness of positivity! How amazing society will THRIVE with each of us in this focus point! We can bring this awareness into 2012 and make 2012 the best year ever; a year intended to be positive; a year started in the essence of Self Love. And with this inner focus our outer reality will glow!
So embrace your Me Me! Have fun with it and notice the effects you are having on others. Ensuring you are maintaining yourself with a great Self Care Plan so that you are maintaining your ME ME and forever filling yourself up so that you can give back more to others. Allow your Me Me to become your greatest asset.
As this will be my last post for 2011, I want to say thank you so much for following my blog and sharing in my passion and inspiration! Watch out, later in January, for The Essential Ingredient you will need to make 2012 thrive.
I wish you and your families all the best over the festive holidays and trust you will step into the new year with a fresh sense of self; a self filled with Self Love, Self Acceptance and Self Beief.  
We have some great events happening in the New Year which you can read about below.

Towards your truth and freedom with lots of love,

Cheryne Blom
For more about Cheryne please also see: http://www.cheryneblom.com/ 
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PS: I would love to hear your comments and stories. Please leave your comments here or email me  Please also share your comments on Facebook.

COMING SOON- MASTERING THE ART OF SELF LOVE ONLINE PROGRAM! STARTING MARCH 2012The ultimate 12 step process- please email me your interest here

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