Thursday, October 11, 2012

Out of the Darkness and into the Light

Have you noticed that when you are in fear it feels like you are in the darkness? Fear makes you feel isolated, abandoned, rejected heavy and as if you are living under a dark cloud. If we reflect on our society today, we can see that we are a society driven and motivated by fear, therefore, we can understand why the last era has been known as The Age of Darkness. However when we understand where we are moving towards, we can know that we are entering a time when we are coming out of the darkness and into the light.
The Age of Darkness represented the years of the lost self or the lost soul. A time when we were so disconnected from our truth that our judgement was clouded and distorted. The Age of Darkness was a time of EGO- a time when we stepped into fear.
When we look back at the last few centuries, we can see that it was a time of war, a time where we needed to prove ourselves and a time where we disconnected from our higher intelligence. Our belief systems became based on what I refer to as our 3 core fears: I am not worthy, I am not good enough and I am not loved.  We therefore did everything to prove our worth and prove our value and the more we tried to prove ourselves the more we lost ourselves.
Why the need to prove? Prove what? Have institutions like religion and schooling led us to question ourselves rather than accept ourselves and thrive? How do we find our way out of the darkness and into the light?
A few years ago I created a coaching model I call, The Two Sides of Self, which divides our personality into two parts- The Ego and The Essence.  Ego is the fear self I explained above. It is the scared inner child who is trying to make sense of a scary external world which seems to be judging and attacking.
Essence on the other hand, represents your true self. This is the person you were born as, your full potential which includes your inner purpose and values. The essence is the blue print of your soul; it is yourself minus any fear. It is the part of you who dreams and who strives for truth and peace. It is the part of you which only knows love, the flipside of fear. In the essence of love you can only express freedom, joy, peace, trust, happiness, forgiveness and compassion.
The hard part about being your Essence is that it requires vulnerability. However, when we let go of the EGO mind and our fear we have the courage and strength to communicate this authentic self and embrace vulnerability. We have the courage to be vulnerable and thrive.
This chart easily shows the different intention between the EGO and the Essence:

Feeling of Not being good enough
Self Respect
Feeling of  Not being worthy
Self Worth/ Integrity
Feeling Unloved
Loving Self Unconditionally
Reactive behavior
Stillness/Calm/ Patient
Shut Down
Need Acknowledgment
Compassion to self
Need Acceptance
Acceptance of self
Need Validation
Embracing self
Co Dependent
Counter dependent
Needing to Prove yourself
Joy of Self
Self Doubt
Self Belief
Punish Self
Celebrate self
Protect Self
Paddling upstream
In the Flow
Fear of being alone
Driver: Protection
In our head
In our heart

2012 appears to have been a challenging year for many of us, as the last fragments of the EGO are being brought to the surface to shed and release. As we become aware of the Ego we become aware of the duality between the Ego and the Essence. As we acknowledge the darkness we can begin to see the light. Therefore this is a time of transition and all change is difficult. As we awaken to the space of Essence, the transition becomes easier and we can welcome the shift.
So where are we going?
As you begin to be aware, to understand and to know who you are as an Essence you can begin to step into the Age of Light- clarity of the True Self. You can shed the hard armour of the EGO and come into your truth. This is not an easy process, however it will be rewarding when we get there and become a society filled with light not darkness.
Here are some steps to develop your essence…
Meditation rewires the conditioned brain, instantly lightens your energy and creates a space for you to connect with and get to know your inner essence.
Meditation helps slow down the activity in your mind, calms your nervous system and breaks through the layers of the EGO mind.
Change your inner language
Begin to understand that every thought you have is programming your energy- every thought has a frequency which in turn becomes your frequency. So begin to shift all your language to be more positive and gentle and stop the conversations which bring you down and disempower you.
Define the virtues of your essence
Define the positive emotions you wish to experience every day. These include happiness, joy, peace, wisdom, courage strength and compassion. Ensure that everything you do leaves you feeling positive and eliminate the situations where you are stuck in fear and obligation.
Ensure all your behaviour and intention comes from your values
Ensure that everything you do leaves you feeling positive and eliminate the situations where you are stuck in fear and obligation. Begin to feed your soul (see previous post)
Be Vulnerable
Begin to see vulnerability as strength not weakness, as it represents your authentic self. This is your place of TRUTH it is not easy and requires you to challenge yourself and embrace courage.
Be in Truth
Break the pattern of people pleasing and speak from Truth. Express yourself wisely. Truth is also a space of integrity- where you are being true to yourself and fulfilling our core needs. Your truth also represents clarity which in turn is the light guiding you forwards.
Think through the wisdom of your heart
Let go of the mind and enter the beautiful place in your heart. The heart has its own clarity and wisdom and is the vessel of your soul. When you think with your heart you connect more with your feeling nature rather than the thinking mind.
The key to stepping into your essence and into your light is to remember that the essence only knows the virtues of love, so the more you can express truth and freedom, the more you will shift.
Here is an amazing TED video on the power of vulnerability…

To your truth and freedom,


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