Saturday, August 15, 2015

3 Steps to Confident Communication

When faced with a confrontational conversation do you Freeze, go blank and feel immobilized to say anything back? Or do you Withdraw into your own thoughts and feel clouded by how to respond back. Or do you get Fired up inside and attack that other person back with fiery or defensive words.

All three of these scenarios represent your Flight, Fight or Freeze reaction when you are faced with stress or a potentially threatening situation. In the first reaction a person freezes and goes blank, unable to find words, they are literally frozen in fear. In the second situation the person ‘flights’ or withdraws out of the present moment to protect themselves or deal with the shock or fear. And in the third scenario the person gets angry and goes into ‘fight’ mode ready to stand up and defend and fight back.

All three scenarios of flight, fight or freeze represent an ‘Amygdala Alert’ and signs that your nervous system has been activated and has gone into its ‘role’ of protecting you. The amygdala alert represents the part of our brain activated when we go into fear and causes the nervous system to go into its survival mode.

Now this survival mode is great if you are being chased by a bear or in my case a spider (actually I can’t remember the last time I was chased by a spider, but you know what I mean) but, this survival mode and fear response does not help us remain centered, balanced and confident in heated conversations.

And confidence here, I am defining as the opposite place of fear, it is when you are empowered and have the ability to activate your higher brain functioning which is responsible for executive functioning and will therefore be enabled to be more responsive and less reactive.

Here is a real simple 3 step model I teach my clients to help them stay in an empowered state and ensure they can clearly communicate themselves and not let intense conversations take them out of their power.

So the three steps are:
3 Steps to Confident Communication by Cheryne Blom

In order to stay CALM, you need to activate the opposite mode to your Fight/flight/freeze mode. This is called your relaxation response and when activated and conditioned to use, your relaxation response ensures you are using higher brain functioning through your pre-frontal cortex and negates the nasty amygdala response.

This is like hitting the brakes on your car. It allows you to STOP & THINK and create a pause between the trigger and your reaction. The more you can create a pause, the more you will be able to construct a response which is more in alignment with staying calm and rational.

The key to staying calm is to connect to your breath and become the observer of your feelings and reactions. STOP and begin to take a few deep breaths and ask yourself the following questions:

1.    What am I feeling?
2.    Why is it triggering? (What is it bringing up in me?)
3.    What is really happening within that person, or what is motivating them to say what they are saying? (Are they in fear, feel hurt or protective?)

As you are breathing, push your breath done your body, to eliminate the negative emotion. Imagine your breath as a coffee plunger, plunging out the negative and feel your breath move all the way down your body and out your feet.

Instantly these questions and breathing exercise allow you to attend to your thoughts, attend to your body and attend to your feelings helping you become more compassionate as opposed to angry. You begin to see the situation more clearly, and instead of reacting from your perceived hurt and taking things personally, you can now observe the situation with a calm sense of logic.

Once you are calm, centered, grounded and seeing the situation through calm compassionate eyes, you can then see clearly what is going on.
You may begin to see that the person perceived to be attacking you is actually projecting their fear onto you or you may see that person is hurt and lashing out (Most of the time all negative behavior stems from fear). You will also be able to understand that your fear has been triggered and you can take responsibility for your fear response by self-soothing and attending to your feelings.

Having CLARITY gives you power because once you know clearly what is going on and once you are able to keep yourself calm, you can respond to ‘threatening’ situations in a calm and resourceful manner.

You may respond with grace, understanding or compassion. Or you may respond
with calm articulation or you will have the power to walk away or remain silent and let the other person have their tantrum or purge their emotions. Either way, a resourceful response makes you feel more intelligent and proud of yourself.

This resourcefulness gives you a sense of resilience, strength and trust which all lead you to feel empowered and CONFIDENT. Confidence is the ability to be true to yourself- your true self not your fear. It is the ability to connect with your higher virtues of who you are and the more you connect and respond from those virtues the more confident you will become.

So these 3 steps are more like 3 rules to help you avoid those ‘child-like’ reactions which leave you powerless, full of shame, embarrassed, or angry with yourself. It ensures you DO NOT allow your emotions to get the better of you and self-manage yourself even when triggered. This self-management will lead to self-empowerment and ensure you remain CALM, CLEAR and CONFIDENT.

Give it a try…it may be challenging at first because you are wired to react from your conditioning, but each time you challenge your habitual behavior you grow more and more into the self-actualized intelligent adult you truly are!

To your truth and freedom with lots of love,


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Monthly Meditation Class held the first and third Wednesday of every month. Upcoming dates 19 August 2015; 8pm-9:30pm.  Held at The Tranquility Centre 357 North Road South Caulfield To Book email Cheryne Topic: Understanding the Ego Self

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Download FREE 7 day video series called Be a Mindful You!.

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