Wednesday, October 28, 2015

15 Ways to RESPECT Yourself Today!

We are pro’s at beating ourselves up, placing high or unrealistic expectations on ourselves or pushing ourselves beyond what we can cope with. And although it is great to challenge ourselves, continuous behaviors which leave us feeling disrespected wear down our self-worth, our self-confidence and leave us dis-empowered

Alternatively, every time you show yourself self-respect you increase your self-worth, you feel proud of yourself and therefore increase your confidence and your self-empowerment.

Once you program your ‘inner critic’ to be nurturing, loving and respectful you will be able to be kinder towards yourself and increase your internal Self Love Tank. This in turn will give you a sense of self integrity which builds your enthusiasm and empowerment and helps you feel aligned.

So here are 15 ways you can show yourself respect today:

1.    Speak your truth with graceful assertion

Keeping quiet for the sake of keeping the peace or reacting with an emotional explosion both drain your energy and leave you feeling shameful, embarrassed or dis-empowered. 

Learning to calmly and confidently communicate yourself in a way which is aligned with your values, is a way of demonstrating self-respect and self-worth. (Please also see 3 Steps to confident communication)

2.    Break on addiction

Instead of reaching for the cookies, or the bottle of wine or the (you fill the blank) turn to a resourceful action which demonstrates respecting yourself. 

For example, before you head straight for your "self-soother" stop and pause, take a few deep breaths, ask yourself what you are feeling and feel that feeling in your body. Breathe through that feeling while you focus on your breath gently soothing and clearing your emotion. Feel the stillness and the calmness and then come back to your present moment and see if you need your "habit" then.

3.    Make yourself a beautiful meal

           Cook up something healthy, colorful and yummy, put it on a nice plate,                      presented and go sit in the sunshine or your favorite spot. Eat mindfully and                with gratitude and appreciation

4.    Forgive self

Yep, a big one. Let go of beating yourself up and realize that you are doing the best you can with the resources you have.  Focus on the lessons you can teach yourself and allow yourself to grow from those. Let go and let yourself free.

5.    Give to someone in need or less fortunate

Every time we give we open ourselves up to receive. And as we receive gratitude back, it fills our inner tank and gives us respect, worth and empowerment.

6.    Allow yourself to receive something special

Receiving is often the hardest part, yet it is what we give ourselves when we respect ourselves and feel worthy of it. Opening yourself up to receive allows you to complete the cycle of reciprocity and allow someone to benefit from the art of giving as well.

7.    Be around positive people and energy which makes you feel good

Are you starting to read that we are breaking all people pleasing behaviors? This will include saying no to arrangements with negative energy which will leave you feeling drained and out of control. Alternatively, being around positive people fuels your soul and gives you energy.

Obviously, sometimes we cannot avoid certain situations, so if you find yourself in a negative situation with draining energy, direct your thoughts and energy towards giving yourself positivity and love. This instantly creates a shield like force around you which allows their negativity to bounce off you.

8.    Move your body

Exercise, exercise and exercise! Moving your body releases feel good hormones and helps you feel great about yourself.

9.    Give yourself an inner hug

Oh, I love this one. This is the ultimate expression of self-compassion and self-respect. Wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze as if you were giving your best friend your biggest hug ever! I also love to imagine my scared inner child and visualize giving her a great big hug and telling her that she is safe and loved.

10.  Avoid situations which lead to shame

          This includes talking badly or gossiping about others which actually drain your             energy and leave you dis-empowered.

11.  Clean up an area in your personal space(declutter)

The space around you represents how you feel within. If you have lots of mess and clutter around you, it blocks and drains your energy and represents the clutter in your mind. Having a clean, open decluttered space allows you to feel open and free!

12.  Follow through on inspired thoughts

Every time you have an inspired thought, which is a thought which totally energizes you, listen and follow your intuition and inner guidance which will not only give you self-respect, it will also allow you to manifest magnificence for yourself.

13.   Stay focused on your goals

Complete those tasks you have been promising yourself you will complete and keep a list of everything you have completed so that you can see how much you have actually achieved.

14.  Observe an area of your life out of integrity and commit to someway being more true to yourself

Where in your life are you out of integrity and not being true to yourself? Where in your life are you loosing or giving away your power? As you focus giving the power back to yourself and having more integrity you will fuel up your self-respect!

15.  Do something great or special for yourself

Treat yourself to something special because you deserve it and because it will make you feel great. Buy yourself something special, get yourself pampered your take yourself away somewhere refreshing!

How else will you respect yourself today?


To your truth and freedom with lots of love,


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Monthly Meditation Class held the first and third Wednesday of every month. Upcoming date 4 November  8pm-9:30pm.  Held at The Tranquility Centre 357 North Road South Caulfield To Book email Cheryne Topic: The Ideal Self

NEW Learn how to develop more mindfulness in every moment  Download FREE 7 day video series called Be a Mindful You!. Book Cheryne to speak at your next event. 

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