Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Set Yourself Free

I was listening to a presentation from a great friend of mine who was discussing the concept of Alignment. Her presentation got my attention because self empowerment is all about a feeling of alignment within.
I loved how she defined alignment- the place where our beliefs and our desires are aligned and congruent. If we desire something yet our beliefs do not support what we desire we will not achieve alignment and will not gain what we want. Our energy and the universe supports what we BELIEVE not what we desire. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Classic Example… “I want (desire) a loving relationship” yet “I am scared of being hurt again (limiting belief) and cannot trust anyone (belief).  On another level we can see that this is also an internal battle within ourselves between heart (desire) and head (beliefs).
So obviously the key is to work through all those limiting beliefs and align those with what we desire. In that space our energy and our enthusiasm vibrates at its highest frequency; in that space we will attract and manifest what we want because our energy and focus is pointed strongly towards it.
And now the tricky part….dissolving those beliefs…the fun part J
Our beliefs are formed in 3 ways:
1.       We believe a statement we’ve been told: “You never do anything right” ,  Who do you think you are/” (the great rhetorical question thrown out by parents unaware of the doubt created in a child) , “You’re not good enough to have that.”
In actual fact when we reflect back on these statements we have to question why we took them on and believed them in the first place. In reflection we can see that they represent that persons own internal fear and doubt.
2.       We give an event our own subjective meaning and opinion and form personal beliefs based on that:
Event: Parents Separation                       Meaning:      I cannot trust
                                                                                            I have done something wrong
                                                                                            Relationships are painful etc etc
3.       We also blame ourselves for what we think in a situation where we felt we let ourselves and others down.
All these 3 points will stunt our growth and cause us to get “stuck in a moment in time”. This block leads to blocks within ourselves and so we begin to work to support the belief rather than supporting what we desire- the incongruence begins…
In this post I want to focus on this last point because this feeling of self blame leads us to experience emotions like guilt, regret, frustration, overwhelm, apathy, and anger. Most importantly we break integrity with ourselves and tend to give ourselves what we deserve rather then what we want. This broken integrity chips away at our confidence and self esteem. And all due to the perception of an illusion!

The key to freedom here and the key to alignment and empowerment here is to drop one F word for another. Drop our Fear and embrace Forgiveness! Forgiveness is the key to Freedom and more specifically… SELF FORGEVENESS.
Here is a perfect forgiveness phrase to help you dissolve the perceived blame…
I forgive myself for what I did in the past because I realize I was doing the best I could at that time with the resources I had at the time.”
Or even better put…
“I forgive myself for what I did in the past because I realize I was doing the best I could knowing the person I was at that time”

We realize that each event happened at the exact moment in time in full perfection and in fact had a positive intention we simply misread at the time. Because we can realize now that the event happened to give us a positive correction- to point us in a certain direction and teach us a powerful lesson which would guide us slowly towards our alignment-. From this space now we can gain a greater sense of GRATITUDE for each event because without it we would never learn and we would never have been shown the way. Confirmation again that from PAIN COMES GROWTH!
So here ‘s what to do…
©       Travel along your timeline of events noticing defining moments where you are holding blame, shame, guilt, resentment or anger
©       Go into that event and notice the person you were at the time and what choices you were making based on that level of growth. Tap into what you were needing at the time of the event as well.
©       Say the forgiveness phrase (as above)
©       Notice the lessons that the event was teaching you when you let go and forgive
©       Notice the gratitude you hold towards that event now, as without that event you would not be the person you are today.
Once we reach this space of forgiveness we can let go of those limiting beliefs blocking our desires and truly give ourselves what we deserve- we reach alignment and at that point open ourselves up to receive the gifts  in front of us right now!

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Lewis b Smedes
Have a great week and please share this post with your friends on facebook! I look forward to hearing your comments.
Lots of love,


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