Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Journey of The Awakened Woman

On the 21st May 2011 I will be speaking at the Insights for Women’s Forum. I am so excited to speak at this event because I will be presenting a topic close to my heart- THE AWAKENED WOMAN.
By Awakened Woman I refer to the modern 21st Century empowered woman who knows who she is, what she wants and how to communicate herself effectively. The awakened woman is a positive result of feminism and her motives stem from self respect and respect for others. She has nothing to prove, nothing to justify and nothing to validate-she simply wishes to communicate truthfully with integrity, humility, grace and courage. The Awakened Woman is connected and empowered.
This is a celebration of the journey of women. We can be eternally grateful to our mothers and grandmothers who created a means to bring about equality between men & women; however one of the faults we can acknowledge in feminism is the emotion of anger behind it. The Awakened Woman does not hold any anger she is driven by love, compassion and a compelling purpose.
Looking back it seems that we left our innate natural posts and went to war. We put on our “Black Suits of Armour” and entered the battle field. Yes, our armour was make by Channel and Prada and gave us a fantastic reason to have magnificent shoes J however did we lose our identity as women and our essence in the process?
Today, in the 21st Century we need to ask ourselves are we equal? Do we want to be equal?
There are so many differences between men & women and perhaps instead of fighting the differences we can celebrate our differences and begin to work from our core strengths:


Emotional Intelligence



Personal Growth





Open mindedness


These are our true values and more and more women are awakening to the need to align with these values, right now! The Awakened Woman lives her life in total alignment with these values.

So instead of exhausting ourselves (which is the main problem I hear from 95% of the women I work with) let’s begin to thrive as AWAKENED WOMEN! To truly commence this journey 4 key factors must addressed:
Where have we come from?
What matters to us now?
What are our strengths?
How do we sustain ourselves and our energy now?

In the past we were told to believe we needed a man to provide for us, protect us and be the head of our families- to be our warrior. We were taught to keep the peace, mind our p’s and q’s and please a man. We were conditioned to put a man first, get married, be good mothers and put the needs of others in front of our own.

We conditioned ourselves to believe that everything was our responsibility and we gave away our power and allowed ourselves to be controlled. It was almost as if our worth was determined by how much we could give and how much we could please others.

TODAYS Woman is more evolved. Seeing that 52% of marriages are now ending in divorce, we find ourselves with an updated version of a woman who has now taken her power back. This is not only in divorced women; women all around are becoming more self sufficient and more confident. Women are learning to put themselves first so that they can be so much more to everyone else in their lives. This Awakened Women now puts her personal growth first and is learning to create boundaries for herself. She is more mature, grounded and open hearted.

Our Strengths are the values I mentioned above plus so much more. We bring a wealth of value to a business and to our families the more we discover about ourselves. A major strength of the Awakened Women is her communication and interpersonal relationship skills.

To sustain ourselves moving forwards is the big question? Almost every woman I meet (as well as myself) often feels overwhelmed and is tired. The key here is to learn balance, boundaries, the art of speaking our truth, continuing our personal growth and the art of self care. I will be elaborating on all these key factors at the forum on the 21st so be sure to be there if you can.

Are you an AWAKENED WOMAN or MAN completely aligned with your essence?

I would love to hear your comments and stories. Please leave your comments here or email Cheryne@cheryneblom.com. Please also share your comments on Facebook.

Have a great week!

Lots of love,


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