Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mastering the Art of Self Love

It feels like I am watching relationships all around me, including my own, continue to break down or go through many obstacles and it feels like we have to seriously stop and ask ourselves why. What is the bigger message here? What is it that is challenging us and bringing us new lessons and a new level of awareness?
Based on what I keep seeing in my clients, friends and my own personal journey; and based on what I am reading from various spiritual leaders I have come to the following conclusions:
At this point in our human evolution, at this point of our growth and consciousness our journey is about discovering, sustaining and mastering The Art of Self Love.
Big Words- Huh? Self Love! For many of us our conscious mind (our ego) struggles with the concept and struggles to reach a pure state of self love. We have more of a fear of not being enough then pure self love. We focus more on what we don’t have and what we are not rather then what we have and what our strengths are. HMMMMMM…so  perhaps it has something (just a tad) to do with the current paradigm of our belief systems- just a thought J
We block ourselves from self love because of the following:
Hold on to the past
Hold onto guilt
Hold onto blaming ourselves and others
Hold on to resenting ourselves and others
Don’t believe we are deserving enough
Don’t believe we are strong enough
Don’t believe we have enough support
Don’t believe we are lovable
Don’t believe in ourselves enough
Don’t know who we are and what our potential really is
Don’t know what it means to be in our power
Fear of future
Fear of being a success
Fear our own potential
Fear of failure
Fear of rejection
Fear of abandonment (And these are only the most common ones I hear)
I could go on for days with all the thoughts and fearful behaviors which are keeping us stuck.

So to develop the mastery of Self Love we need to first dissolve this current belief system and upgrade the software to a new, improved and positively focused belief system. A belief system which will serve us, support us, and only allow self belief. 

So what is self love?
Self love is the place we reach in ourselves when we accept the whole package. We accept our strengths, our weaknesses; we even have the ability to laugh at ourselves- this is key because the minute we are able to laugh we lighten our energy- after all you know my favourite quote:
“The reason why angels fly is because they take themselves so lightly”

Once we see our strengths and weakness we can see ourselves as a whole being rather than fragmented bits of a whole. Once we reach this place of acceptance we can become a lot more authentic and open with our communication. Rather than being guarded or protected we express ourselves openly, with certainty, clarity and confidence. The more we accept ourselves the more others accept who we are and the more we love ourselves the more we give others to love.

It is clear that we have to master this level of love first in order to take our relationships to the next powerful level love. If we accept that every relationship is a mirror reflecting our inner reality then imagine the power of our relationships when we reach unconditional love within?

This version of Bruno Mars “ Just the way you are” sums it up so beautifully.
Have a great week!(Part II next week….)
Lots of love,

PS: I would love to hear your comments and stories. Please leave your comments here or email Please also share your comments on Facebook.

COMING SOON: 100 DAYS OF POSITIVE THINKING TRAINING PROGRAM (Details to be released next week) Watch this space!

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