Friday, January 7, 2011

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Reality

Do you have beliefs that are limiting you, blocking you or holding you back?
Do you know that the majority of your “base” beliefs were formed by the age of 7?
Do you know that you do not have to believe every thought you have?
Our Belief System is one of the core elements to our Internal Filtration System - our internal decision maker for what information we take in from the world around us. Our beliefs are formed from every experience we have had, conditioning from society, the beliefs of our family and the information we take in from the world around us. A belief is ANY THOUGHT you hold as truth.
Beliefs are evident in your language. They are made up of all the “I should …, I must …, I have to…”
One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself along your personal development journey is the ability to challenge every belief you hold as truth.
Byron Katie is one of my greatest mentors who puts it perfectly. She says, “The sane mind does not have to believe every thought it has.” Wow, imagine that! Imagine challenging every thought you had rather then simply accepting it? It would be the end of personal suffering and mental anguish as suffering only occurs when we are stuck in a belief, or stuck in a blue print or ideal of how our lives MUST OR SHOULD BE.
Dr Daniel Amen calls it killing the ANTS- “Automatic Negative Thoughts”. I love that! Imagine actually having the ability to stop a negative thought rather than give it power? Imagine having the self awareness, self control and mindfulness to observe, analysis and detach from your thoughts? Ah, another step towards personal freedom- yes?
Here are some great tips to help you re-define your belief system:
o   Become aware of your thoughts and your internal language, pay particular awareness to anytime you use I must, I should, I have to
o   Observe that thought as if it was outside of you
o   Ask yourself the question: IS THAT TRUE? This simple question asked by Byron Katie has the powerful ability to shake up your current reality.
o   Ask yourself, where does this belief come from? (Is it a childhood belief- does it even belong to you? Who gave you this belief?)
o   Notice how your body reacts when you believe this.
o   Ask yourself does this serve me? Does it move me towards what I want or is it holding me back?
o   Write out your limiting beliefs and let them go. There are many rituals you can do to let go of negative beliefs(please contact me if you want to know more)
o   Think of a new belief which EMPOWERS YOU! You will feel this in your body, letting you know that this belief is now in alignment with your true self.
o   Write out this belief as an affirmation and practice it daily until it becomes engrained as a new belief. A great structure for an affirmation starts with I AM…
o   Notice the difference in your emotions and actions based on this new belief.
o   Most importantly ensure that ALL your choices now come from this new belief.
And remember your beliefs create your reality!
Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Cheryne, very inspirational and very true!

    Looking forward to more great articles!

