There are 6 words that I like to ask all my clients to help
them attend to themselves and their needs, and almost every single person
struggles to answer this simple yet obviously complex question.
For many of us it is hard to put ourselves first. We are so
conditioned and so wrapped up in doing stuff
for others and being what others need us to be, that we neglect our own needs.
For many people, putting themselves first seems selfish or self-indulgent; so
the thought of doing something for themselves actually creates more pain then
The complex factor in all of this is that doing for others
is what many of us base our self-worth on.
I am worthy if I am making someone happy
I am worthy if I put others first
I am worthy if people accept and like me
I am worthy if I put others before me
I am worthy if I am making someone happy
I am worthy if I put others first
I am worthy if people accept and like me
I am worthy if I put others before me
These beliefs create the pattern of people pleasing whereby
the fear of disappointing people outweighs the need to take care of your-self.
The problem in all of this is that in time our inner wellness tank gets
depleted leaving us without much to offer people and instead of doing things
for others with joy we begin to build resentment.
So these 6 words will help you stop the pattern of
self-sacrifice and will help you embrace a Self-Care program which enables you to refuel your inner tank, and allow you to give back to those you love wholeheartedly.
So the 6 words are…
Is this an easy question for you to answer? If so, then well
done! And if not, please reflect on what I have mentioned above and stop for a
moment and think about these words...
WHAT DO YOU NEED, RIGHT NOW? What do you need to feel calm,
happy, and peaceful, at ease and energized? Go with the first answers which
come to mind and list the most important things you need right now. You may be
needing me-time, pamper-time, exercise, support, sleep, time in nature, social
time or spiritual time. To embrace these, shift your mindset away from being selfish
to a mindset of self-care where you realize that by filling up your inner tank, you will then have so much more to offer back to all those special people in
your life.
And if you are struggling to think how you can Self-Care,
then here is a list of
Self-Care ideas for the guilty:
Self-Care ideas for the guilty:
Have a massage – besides the health benefits of
massage, there is tremendous healing in being touched.
Retreat into nature- a beach walk, a forest
walk; anywhere beautiful and quiet will do
Have a bath- water is very soothing and relaxing
as well as re-energizing and cleansing.
Exercise can instantly shift a low mood as it
produces endorphin's which energize and uplift the body
5. Meditation- giving yourself even 5-10 minutes of
focused breathing or visualization will instantly calm you and make you feel
Meet a friend- be around positive people who
understand you and make you feel happy and energized
7. Dance- put on some dance music and dance as if
no one is watching. And if you feel even more energized take yourself off to a
salsa or other dance class.
8. Sing- again put on some music and sing as if no
one is listening. Singing has a powerful effect on your throat Chakra and helps
you clear out blocked expression or lack of creativity.
Get Creative- pull out those art supplies, get
out your journal or make something creative. My personal favorite is to take
the time to make yourself a vision board.
Yoga- yoga and meditation will both help you
develop a state of mindfulness and relaxation in the body and will help calm
and balance your senses. Stretching also helps you move emotion through your
body and helps energize and uplift the body.
So any time you begin to feel depleted and know that you are
in need for Self-Care, stop and ask yourself these 6 crucial words…
Oh and most importantly… follow through :-)
To your truth and freedom with lots of love,
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Monthly Meditation Class held the first and third Wednesday of every month. Upcoming date 7 October 2015; 8pm-9:30pm. Held at The Tranquility Centre 357 North Road South Caulfield To Book email Cheryne Topic: The healthy voice within
NEW Learn how to develop more mindfulness in every moment Download FREE 7 day video series called Be a Mindful You!. Book Cheryne to speak at your next event.
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