If it is anything I want my clients to walk away with is the knowing that they can control their thoughts and have the clarity to recognize that it is not their external triggers which necessarily stress them out, but more likely the meaning they attach to those triggers which causes stress. My most empowering belief which I base my business on is the knowing that the quality of my happiness is determined by the quality of my thoughts.
Our internal story or dialogue will determine our meaning
and that meaning will determine the quality of our reality. If we are
experiencing negative emotions then there is a major likelihood that those
negative emotions are stemming from dysfunctional thoughts which in turn lead
to a negative focus.
True empowerment and resilience comes when we realize that
happiness is not made up of what we have outside of us but what state of mind
we have within us.
And so the ability to refine and uplift your thoughts will create an internal state of happiness which will enrich the meanings you are giving to every situation around you. When you are able to take control of these meanings, then you can take control of your happiness.
And so the ability to refine and uplift your thoughts will create an internal state of happiness which will enrich the meanings you are giving to every situation around you. When you are able to take control of these meanings, then you can take control of your happiness.
So here are my 3 favorite exercises to shift my negative
thinking and create a positive state of happiness within:
1. Fact or Fiction
Make a list of all your thoughts. Go through each thought
and ask yourself
whether your thought is 100% objective fact or is it your subjective thought, fiction. To be 100% objective, that thought needs 100% evidence to stand in a court of law J; so what evidence do you have to support that belief?
whether your thought is 100% objective fact or is it your subjective thought, fiction. To be 100% objective, that thought needs 100% evidence to stand in a court of law J; so what evidence do you have to support that belief?
A factual thought is fixed and cannot be changed, but a
subjective, fictional thought means there are multiple perspectives and you are
in a position to choose which thought process feels best and works for you. Every time you challenge your thoughts and ask yourself if that thought is true, fact or fiction, you will enable yourself to think of new perspectives and activate healthier and more empowering thought processes.
So it works like this:
Today is Tuesday (Fact)
It is 7am (Fact)
I am writing a blog post (Fact)
I am unsure if this post will be read by many people (Fiction, my own internal story beginning)
I hope this blog will be understood or used by others (Fiction, blah, blah, blah
This topic could be really helpful (Fiction, I think so)
I’ve had many clients use these tools and shift their thoughts (Fact)
It is 7am (Fact)
I am writing a blog post (Fact)
I am unsure if this post will be read by many people (Fiction, my own internal story beginning)
I hope this blog will be understood or used by others (Fiction, blah, blah, blah
This topic could be really helpful (Fiction, I think so)
I’ve had many clients use these tools and shift their thoughts (Fact)
Go ahead list some of the thoughts you are thinking right
now and try this out. Or list some thoughts you have regarding a stressful situation
and see how many are fact (objective) or fiction (subjective)
2. How does that thought make you feel?
Say a sentence to yourself and notice how it makes you feel.
When you stop to ask yourself this question you will gain clarity around how
your thoughts are programming your feelings. Are they empowering you and
uplifting you, or are they bringing you down and causing stress?
Where do you feel them in your body and what is the feeling?
(Scan through your body and notice where it feels tight or blocked. This may be in your throat, stomach, gut, shoulders, neck, back, hips or legs)
(Scan through your body and notice where it feels tight or blocked. This may be in your throat, stomach, gut, shoulders, neck, back, hips or legs)
If I use the thought above, ‘I am unsure if this post will
be read by many people,’ and I ask myself how this thought makes me feel, I
instantly get a knot in my stomach and in my chest which feels tight and makes
me feel breathless. By connecting to these feelings I can now realize that this
thought has led me to feel fear and so now I can attend to the feeling and
shift it.
3. Why are you feeling that feeling?
This exercise lets you connect with the triggers which
activate stress and allows you to move through the negative feelings and turn
them around.
This is divided into parts: Internal and External
Although, like I said earlier, it is our meaning placed on
our external triggers which creates stress, it is still important to note what
those stressors are so that you can attend to them. So list your external
To understand why you are feeling the feelings, you need to
go within and understand what Core Beliefs are being triggered as it is these
internal core beliefs which are determining your perspective of an event. If
negative core beliefs exist, then they will trigger negative emotions, which in
turn will create negative thoughts
Example 1: Negative
Core Belief:
I am ugly, unlovable, not worthy, not good at anything
Anxiety, nervousness, depression, fear, shame, guilt, frustration, sadness,
I can’t do anything right, no
one will love me, I will never succeed, and life is hopeless
Fear, procrastination, hesitation, no action
Example 2: Positive
Core Belief:
I am love, I am light, I share my positivity with everyone around me
Empowerment, peace, strength, energy, enthusiasm, passion, joy,
Everything I do has a positive effect on others and I am mindful of
sharing my positive energy with others.
A completely new reality filled with purpose, clarity and passion.
Write out your own example…
And as you gain awareness around your negative core beliefs
and you change those beliefs into more positive and uplifting beliefs, then everything
else changes and you begin to create an exciting new reality.
Enjoy and please let me know how you go with these!
To your truth and freedom with lots of love,
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Monthly Meditation Class held the first and third Wednesday of every month. Upcoming date 7 October 2015; 8pm-9:30pm. Held at The Tranquility Centre 357 North Road South Caulfield To Book email Cheryne Topic: The healthy voice within
NEW Learn how to develop more mindfulness in every moment Download FREE 7 day video series called Be a Mindful You!. Book Cheryne to speak at your next event.
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