Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Easy Steps to Empower Yourself Everyday!

As a Self Empowerment Coach, I help people discover their empowered selves. The problem being that for most of us we have no idea what that means…so I wanted to clarify what it means to be empowered because EMPOWERMENT is a big word which is often misunderstood and therefore  lies dormant in many of us.

EMPOWERMENT is about being your full potential. Again, so many people have no idea what their potential is either so let’s clarify that first. Your full potential is the best version of yourself- it is you minus the Fear, minus holding yourself back. It is allowing yourself to go for whatever your heart desires. In your full potential you have an inspired thought and follow that up with purposeful action filled with enthusiasm and passion. Full Potential is made up of the following:
Complete self belief
An understanding of who you are
An understanding of what you want
An elimination and clearing of all limiting beliefs and self doubt
Clarity on your values- what you want to feel in every moment
Clarity on what and who is draining your energy
Positive, empowering self talk
Clear, concise and step by step goals

Empowerment is also when your energy level (your power) is fully charged and at its highest frequency. When you are fully charged your enthusiasm, your internal fuel, thrives and gives you the energy and vitality required to live your full potential. So together, we also look at what is draining your energy (what is disempowering you) and what choices need to be made to plug up those “energy leaks”.

I liken it to a charging battery. Most people who come to see me are flat, lacking energy, have no or little focus, are stuck in a rut and do not have the self knowledge or self awareness to know what they want or what they need.

As we progress together, we bash through limiting beliefs, personal sabotage, and choices which continuously disempower them. From here they discover who they are and what they want. Most importantly my clients discover they have a purpose greater then themselves which becomes a constant driver and point of focus. This purpose becomes their compelling reason for doing what they do.

What charges their battery the most and what ultimately leads to the greatest levels of empowerment is the level of self love developed. From this place of self love that light within goes on and they bounce out of my doors – fully charged. This is the place of LIBERATION and FREEDOM.

So empowerment = self love and the ability to chose everyday to be the best version of yourself- know what you want , eliminate what drains you and make empowering moment to moment choices which gradually build and sustain your energy.
I believe this place of empowerment and self love exists in all of us and as you can read I am passionate about awakening this level of energy in everyone.
 Here are 5 easy steps to empower yourself everyday…
1.      As you wake instantly think of the most empowering thought you can have to start your day. A great example of this is to wake up to the 3 things you are most grateful for today. Another example is to wake up and instantly say what VALUE you commit to being today, for example, love, grace, wisdom, compassion, humility, purpose, focus (only to name a few).
2.      Focus on your TOP 10 qualities you love most about yourself (no pity party here!!!! You have much more then 10) J
3.      Each time you hear a limiting belief or negative self talk, turn it around into something positive- remember what we language we experience!
4.      SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! Express yourself with clarity, honesty and compassion- ALWAYS- nothing empowers you more! Bash through your fear and have those critical conversations you never allow yourself to have.
5.      Be around positive uplifting people who will support and nurture you.
Oh ok…one more bonus step…
6.      Do something special for yourself every day, something which nurtures you and helps re-energize you. Something creative and fun. Best is to think of something you loved to do as a child and do it with joy and playfulness.
If you have any questions I would love to have a chat so please email me at Cheryne@cheryneblom.com
Enjoy your steps to empowerment and remember most importantly that you are the creator, you are the artist, the one “driving the bus” and can create whatever masterpiece you want every day. Love who you are and enjoy who you are!
Lots of love,

http://www.cheryneblom.com/ Please "LIKE" this post by clicking on the top of this page.
PS: I would love to hear your comments and stories. Please leave your comments here or email Cheryne@cheryneblom.com. Please also share your comments on Facebook.


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