Monday, July 13, 2015

Are Your Decisions Making Your Life Hard?

Everything present in your life is a result of a decision you have made. From simple decisions like what you ate for breakfast to more complex decisions like who you chose to be in a relationship with are all determined by an internal filtration system based mainly on your values and beliefs. And sometimes we are unaware of what is truly driving our decisions.

If you are unaware of your subconscious beliefs driving your decisions, then you are unaware of how or WHY your decisions are being made. By gaining awareness over what is filtering and influencing your decisions, you will have the power to stop, access and know how to construct healthy decisions based on positive beliefs, which will move your life in a positive and easy direction.

Here is a list of 10 beliefs, which you may be unaware of, which are shaping your decisions in a negative way and possibly making your life hard, stressful and possibly chaotic or lacking meaning. The possible decisions show what plays out in your behavior:

1.    It is hard to make money
This is a belief which we absorb from our environment very early in childhood. It is a belief which will create a scarcity mindset instead of an abundant mindset and will shape your relationship with money.
Possible decisions: I need to be very careful with what I earn and hold on tightly to money.

2.    Life is about hard work
Also absorbed early in childhood by observing our parents and close social environment and could be a good reason why most people suffer burn out.
Possible decisions: I need to be in a job which I am challenged and pushing myself to succeed. Happiness is not at the forefront of motivation, I need to work hard and push myself constantly.

3.    Relationships are scary or challenging
Based on what we observed as well as past experiences of heartbreak or rejection leading us to protect ourselves from emotional vulnerability in relationships and be more closed off.
Possible decisions: I do not want to be in a relationship, always looking for exit strategy, cannot communicate self or find it hard to trust or open up.

4.    I need things to be perfect before I do anything
This belief normally comes from teacher or parent pressure to please and get everything right.
Possible decisions: Procrastination, fear of getting started. Feeling like a failure and that you cannot get anything which includes have very high and even unrealistic expectations on yourself and others.

5.    I don’t have enough money or energy
Absorbed in childhood and social expectations
Possible decisions: Been tight or fearful with money, hold off on buying yourself anything or spending money on anyone else. Feeling tired, drained and keeping yourself small and safe.

6.    I need someone to do it for me
Based on co-dependency and not being challenged to be more independent or self-sufficient.
Possible decisions: Relying on others, fear around doing anything on your own, not challenging yourself and staying in a comfort zone

7.    I am not smart enough
Based on what you may have been called as a child or unrealistic expectations on self

Possible decisions: Not speaking up, not giving things a go, not exploring new possibilities or promotions, keeping yourself small and safe.

8.    I won’t do that because I will be humiliated/embarrassed or judged
Based on a past experience of being humiliated, laughed at or judged
Possible decisions: Fear of speaking in groups or public, stopping yourself from trying something new or challenging; constantly taking things personally or feeling worried about what people are saying about you.

9.    I cannot fail
Based on past experience or observations of others.
Possible decisions: Fear of getting started, pushing yourself beyond your limits, avoiding challenges or new beginnings, not allowing yourself to follow your dreams or deeper purpose

10.  I need to prove myself
Based on a belief of not feeling good enough or worthy.
Possible decisions: Competing with others, having a chip on your shoulder or attitude, comparing self to others, pushing yourself to burn out limits.

Recognize any of these? Sometimes they come as subtle thoughts that we do not even notice we are having. And sometimes they are buried in our subconscious and only surface through self-development or therapy.

Think about how you can challenge and turn around these beliefs and have more resourceful and supportive ones which will lead to new decisions and new outcomes!

And with the ability to make great decisions you will notice the areas of your life which once frustrated or dis-empowered you begin to fulfill you on a whole new level and have greater levels of success and happiness in your life!


To your truth and freedom with lots of love,


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Monthly Meditation Class held the first and third Wednesday of every month. Upcoming dates 15 July, 5 August, 19 August 2015; 8pm-9:30pm.  Held at The Tranquility Centre 357 North Road South Caulfield To Book email Cheryne 

DOWNLOAD Cheryne's latest eBook Keeping Calm amongst the Chaos.

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