Wednesday, January 15, 2014

5 Steps to Setting a Powerful Intention for 2014

So 2013 was quite a year! For me, as predicted, it was an acceleration of manifestation (see last year’s post) I met my soul mate, fell pregnant, got married, had baby…wow all in one year J This amazing manifestation has left me completely in awe, grateful and certain that anything is possible when we are clear, when we are positive and when we are true to ourselves.

For many 2013 also presented an acceleration of change and growth.  The self development work we have all been doing over the last 7-10 years is beginning to pay off and 2014 presents us now with the perfect opportunity to live our lives through our true essence. This means we are ready to be who we are truly meant to be. Because we now have the recognition and awareness of who we do not want to be (which of course is who we are when we are in fear) we now have clarity around who we know we are.

Now the trick is to maintain that space and ensure all our thoughts, actions, beliefs and responses come from that true self? So what is that true self?

Our true self is the person we are when we feel no fear. Our true self is the person we were born as, it is the blue print of our soul. It is the essence of who we are and holds our true purpose and opportunity of what we are to achieve in this lifetime.

I often get asked to define spirituality. Well to me, spirituality is the ability to be this true self in your everyday actions. It is the ability to eliminate fear (EGO) and bring yourself into your natural state of being. This natural state of being is what I call Essence. Your Essence is you minus fear…you embracing complete self belief and self acceptance. When our ego and essence are in alignment we achieve spiritual alignment.

 So we have EGO vs ESSENCE or Fear VS Self Love. By love I do not mean the Hollywood version of love, where we strive for romance, validation and achievement. By love I mean that your personality is in alignment with the natural virtues of your soul- Trust, compassion, respect, kindness, honour, grace, courage, wisdom, happiness, joy and peace.  Alignment happens when we learn to use these virtues to navigate ourselves through our experiences. 

For example, someone can say something that hurts your feelings because you take it personally (an ego trait). Instead of angrily lashing out at that person, you decide to create a pause and in that pause you think… you think compassionately about where that person was coming from and what was motivating their remark. You think wisely and realize that your response is your perception and you think with grace and decide to be silent and help that person. When our decisions are directed like this our whole reality changes, because we chose to express our natural virtues not the needs of the ego.

So really everything comes down to intention… what we intend our behavior to be and how we direct this behavior. Do we choose FEAR or SELF LOVE, EGO or ESSENCE? If you chose the same behavior patterns of your past you will most probably have the same results as you have always had.  And the reality is, most likely (without you knowing this) the intention of this behavior has come from fear. 

Once you chose your essence (as per above example) you will open new experiences. What also happens is that because your intention is now coming from love, the frequency or vibration of your action will be much higher (see frequency of emotions) and you will now attract people, events and situations on this higher vibration (the basics of the law of attraction)

So what is your intention for 2014? Here is a step by step process to learning how to set your intention and change your life…

1.    Get clear on who you are in your Essence

Know what your ego behaviors are and create the opposite behaviors.

Taking it personally
Lashing out
Needing to be validated
Self Pity
Victim mentality
Fear of unknown
Be Compassionate
Stay present and mindful
Chose words wisely without judgment
Accept yourself and validate self
Take responsibility for your reality
I can manifest what I need
I trust myself and trust in the universe

2.    Create a pause

STOP AND THINK! Instead of mindlessly acting on your habitual/impulsive behavior, think about the response you want to achieve. Ask yourself what response would make you feel best about yourself? Ask yourself to act from your essence.
Set an intention of Love

Once you have that gap, and know your essence behaviors, set an intention of Love.
I act from my truth not my fear. Focus on this intention of Love, feel the vibration of this through your body.
Create new action

Embrace Trust instead of fear; faith instead of uncertainty; compassion instead of anger; courage instead of worry; grace(patience) instead of frustration, etc

5.    Watch the magic

Notice how your life changes. Notice the different responses from people and notice that because you have created a totally new vibration, you now attract different people and different situations.
 Notice how these people are the exact people you need in your life right now.

Can you imagine a world when we all begin to set an intention of love rather than fear- we will finally have world peace because from that intention there is no conflict.

Embrace your essence and act on your powerful intention and watch yourself have your best year ever!

To your truth and freedom with lots and lots of love,


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