Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How to Clear Emotional Pain from Your Body in 5 Steps

Have you ever wondered why you repeat old behaviors and cannot seem to transform or break repeating emotional responses? Do you get frustrated because your body keeps on responding to the same triggers automatically without you being able to stop? Are you tired of having the same stories reply in your head over and over like a broken record (for those that remember what records are)?

Well then, you are ready to transcend your pain?

One of the reasons why we loop in ego (fearful) behavior is because stressful or traumatic events get imprinted in both the nervous system (subconscious mind) as well as our energetic body. By looping I mean we tend to repeat old behavior patterns and automatic responses over and over and keep coming back to the same starting point or emotions.

This imprint creates a wound in the body which in turn creates an emotional and physical block. In our energetic system it causes a tear in the aura of our energy system. These blocks and tears create stagnation in our growth. We get stuck in that moment in time because the body keeps getting triggered from our weak spots and these wounds trigger emotional responses. Imagine the wound like a rock that gets stuck in the flow of a river, it will cause the water to stop
flowing in its natural rhythm causing tension and resistance. This is what happens to our inner rhythm, an emotional wound blocks our flow and we are triggered into the same reactions. Subconsciously we reply the events repetitively until they are cleared.

This wound gets locked in the body and becomes what we refer to as pain. With an intention to protect us, the nervous system then does everything in its power to protect us from experiencing pain again and so we get stopped by pain by going into a fear response. What this means is that part of us stays stagnant and does not get to grow or develop and as we flow through life and experience similar experiences, we feel that wound and then activate the same response. From this we can understand why certain situations trigger a child like response.

We have the same triggers which activate emotional responses and some of these triggers we are aware of while others lie in our subconscious awareness, triggering an automatic response. Examples of triggers include sounds, smells, a look we may get or something we see or a thought which replies in our inner dialogue or self talk.

Let’s look at a person who has a fear of public speaking and has an extreme mental and physical reaction each time they are put into the position.

Throat closes up, mouth is dry, stomach churns, begins to feel sick, may even vomit. Head feels heavy, pulse races, body sweats and muscles tense.
Psychological responses
Memory loss, cloudy thought, fight, flight or freeze mode, restlessness, unease, despair, anxiety
Internal thoughts
People are looking at me, people are judging me, people will laugh or ridicule me.  I am going to embarrass or humiliate myself. I will fail and be a failure
At the age of five, this person stood up to read in school. Being new to reading he was unsure of what he was doing but felt proud to get up and give it a try. 
He stood in front of the class strong and confident but then began to stumble as he reached words he did not know.
As he stumbled the class began to laugh at him. And he began to panic…
His face flushed and went bright red, his heart beat increased, he began to sweat and he started to feel sick. He just wanted to run but his feet were frozen. He felt tears swelling up in his eyes and began to feel even more panicked at the thought of crying in front of his class.
He felt his throat close, no words could come out and in his mind he made a decision to never speak in front of people again. He felt a heaviness in his throat and from then on his tone was different. He shut down within.
This wound in his throat would now begin to block his free flow of communication and he would begin to censor or question what he wanted to say which would cause an even greater internal conflict
The triggers which became anchored in his mind…
Standing in front of his class would trigger the same physical and mental reactions. This would happen as soon as he would SEE their faces. He would HEAR laughing and immediately think they were laughing at him. Even the THOUGHT of speaking would trigger a response within.

So how do you clear this block and transcend your pain?

Here is an example of 5 steps you can take to clear your pain and clear the

  1. Identify where in your body you feel stress or anxiety. As you have stressful thoughts notice where in your body you feel them. Notice if you feel it in your throat, your stomach, your chest, your back…
  2. Get clear what those feelings are. Write out everything you are feeling. Allow those feelings to flow out of you. I am feeling scared, I feel stupid, I feel embarrassed, I feel humiliated, I feel ashamed… As you connect with your feelings you allow them to begin to get unblocked. You begin to bring your suppressed subconscious pain to your conscious awareness. This now allows you to heal your pain.
  3. Notice the memories in your mind that are linked to your pain- notice how old you are and where you are. This now reveals the anchor that is linking that event to your response.
  4. Imagine yourself floating down into that past event and having a conversation with your inner child. What would you say to empower him or her? What are the lessons they need to focus on?
  5. Help your inner child learn those lessons by teaching her how to develop those skills. In this moment you connect back to your true essence of who you were before the wound. When you begin to focus on those positive lessons it allows the energy to flow around your wound, it allows you to grow and then develop that key skill. It dissolves the fear and empowers your confidence, strength and freedom which then allows you to embrace your creativity and come back to being a powerful purpose.

You may find this easier to do in a coaching session where you are guided but give it a go and free yourself from your pain and therefore fear forever.

To your truth and freedom,


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6 December 2014 1:30 pm-4 pm email Cheryne for more details 

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