Monday, June 1, 2015

The 12 Faces of EGO VS The 12 Faces of SELF LOVE

Would you know if you are in a space of EGO? Would you recognize your EGO behaviors? Most clients I work with and others I observe do not realize their behavior is stemming from an EGO mindset. And without having awareness, we can never change or challenge ourselves to grow!

So here is a list of what I call the 12 faces of EGO which help you identify your EGO limitations and turn them into a more empowering mindset which I will refer to as SELF LOVE. (The opposite side of EGO)

Before I share with you the list of 12 faces of EGO, let me clarify what I mean by an EGO MINDSET and what I mean by a SELF LOVE MINDSET.

Ego is our place of fear which we mask in order to fit in and be accepted in the world around us. At the core the EGO MINDSET has three core beliefs which set its reality… I am not loved, I am not worthy or I am not good enough. All our behaviors therefore stem from a need to prove ourselves, be loved, and determine our worth. We place expectations on ourselves and others and come from a place of need- a need for validation, a need to be loved, a need to fit in, a need to be accepted, a need to be worthy or a need to be better then someone else. We compare ourselves to over, we compete with others and we compromise our true self in order to please others, meaning we ignore any personal boundaries or simply do not have any.

Self-love is the opposite mindset. Self-love is based on self-belief, self-acceptance, trust and respect. We have nothing to prove and in the space of self-love we are driven to be ourselves, share ourselves and fulfill a compelling purpose within. Self-love is a space of inner freedom, strength and pure happiness. There is no self-doubt, there is no uncertainty, and there is only clarity, certainty and passion.

So what are the 12 faces of EGO VS the 12 faces of SELF LOVE?
The 12 faces of the EGO

Here is a brief explanation of each, although I could write individual blog posts for each of them.

Our most favorite space of feeling sorry for ourselves, not good enough, pathetic.
Breaking all integrity with ourselves and treating ourselves poorly
The damn need to be right!
Not believing in ourselves and listening to the outside influence and opinions around you
Subconsciously destroying what matters to you because you feel you do not deserve it
Preserving you pride and sense of righteousness
Protecting yourself from getting hurt, rejected, abandoned, or judged
Not letting yourself having something because you feel you do not deserve it
Obsessed with thoughts of self, appearance, belonging
Treating yourself over and beyond what is necessary to make up for the sense of emptiness you feel inside
Staying in your comfort zone of solitude and not speaking up for yourself

All of these will take you out of your power, will cause an imbalance and will put you in a space of fear!

The 12 faces of SELF LOVE

Knowing who you are, what you want and where you are heading
Accepting your strengths, weaknesses, mistakes, regrets, destiny, purpose
Being you and listening to your inner guidance, no matter what
Treating yourself well and making decisions in alignment with your values
Trusting in your decisions and inner knowing
Seeing yourself in a positive light and knowing you have a uniqueness which people need and want
Having the ability to express yourself, stand your ground and follow through on ideas which are important to you.
Knowing you have so much to offer and share and you make a difference to everyone around you
You are not co-dependent on others or need others to take care of you. You are independent and can stand on your own two feet.
You know how to take care of yourself and balance your life.
You take responsibility for your thoughts and actions and know how to manage any negativity and respond in an integral way to all situations
You follow your heart and what makes you happy, you have courage and determination to live fearlessly and in a powerful, heart centered state.

So now that you have a new sense of awareness around your EGO behaviors, have a think about how you can turn them into SELF LOVE- it is a far more liberating, exciting and fun space to be!


To your truth and freedom with lots of love,


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NEW! Nurture in Nature Meditation and Wellness Retreat. 1 spot left!  Gembrook, Victoria. 12- 14 June 2015. Read more...

NEW! Monthly Meditation Classes held the first Wednesday of every month. 3 June 2015; 8pm-9:30pm
Held at The Tranquility Centre 357 North Road South Caulfield

DOWNLOAD Cheryne's latest eBook Keeping Calm amongst the Chaos.

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