Monday, June 20, 2011


Well we are hearing it all around us…We are in the midst of a shift. We are in the midst of change, letting go of the past and defining a new way of living in the future. Everything around us is shifting so slightly and so meaningfully- look around and you will see climate change, economic change, changes in relationships, changes in thought patterns, changes in attitude and changes in consciousness. People all around are awakening to a new sense of self, a new desire for living. The patterns of the past are no longer serving us and are holding us back and so many people feel ready to step into a new reality.

So what is this all really about?

I am seeing this really clearly. This is a time for us to release all which no longer serves us. This is a time for us to step out of our belief system, step out of the negative behaviors of regret, shame, guilt, loneliness, resentment, frustration and pain. This is a time for us to move beyond our mind, our “pain body” and beyond what we know and move into a higher more intelligent place…
This is the DEATH OF OUR EGO!


EGO, as I have written, is our FEAR. It is the persona we created to help us deal with the “perceived” threat of our external world. From this space of EGO and fear we have created a lens through which we view the world. This lens has been tinged by feelings of inner doubt, separation, neediness and expectation. This lens is tinged because of those three dark and evil beliefs lying within us- the rotting seeds of “I am not loved , “I am not worthy”, “I am not good enough.”
From EGO we have the need to compete with others, have the need to compare ourselves and we always want more. Of course we do because everything we are seeking is outside of ourselves. We have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for validation, acceptance, connection, joy, satisfaction and fulfillment. And the more we look outside the emptier we become as the EGO is INSATIABLE! We can never be enough, have enough or feel good enough when we are constantly coming from an internal place of emptiness.
So what I am talking about is the end of an era of fear. The end of us viewing the world through a dysfunctional lens and a time for us to completely rediscover ourselves.


Yes we need a new way forward. We need a new beginning. We need to wipe the slate clean and draw a line in the sand and start again.
This new beginning means we enter a world of NO FEAR! The problem being we have been conditioned to see the world through fear for so long that most of us have no idea how to do that- No idea who they are or how to be in the space of NO FEAR.
So here is the opposite of fear…
Really simply and powerfully put, I call this place SELF LOVE. This is the flipside of fear, the flipside of EGO.
Self love is your Essence, the place of wisdom, courage and joy. It is the place where you honour who you are, respect who you are and listen to what you want without worrying about what others think or how they may judge you- It is the place of freedom. And we, as a species have not transcended ourselves enough beyond our EGO to have that level of love and freedom in our lives.
This deathing of the ego requires us to step out of our mind and enter the vulnerability of our heart. Vulnerability has always been perceived as weakness or failure so we have never truly journeyed within that void. However what if we turn that around and begin to see vulnerability as strength. What if vulnerability becomes truth or authenticity and courage because after all it takes great strength and courage to give ourselves what our hearts truly desire.
Perhaps NOW is the time to begin to listen.
This is the first step. Ask yourself this wonderful question which a great friend posed upon me a little while ago- What does your heart want? Listen and go to wherever that place is!
Can we transcend ourselves enough to honour that place within us? Will we finally reach the place of self worthiness where we GIFT ourselves with whatever the heart desires? Is fear going to constantly stand in your way?
Yes this requires taking a HUGE leap of FAITH; but if we do not surrender and jump we will never know! We will never know complete freedom, we will never know complete love until we reach the point of ENOUGH…enough of the EGO…enough of being scared.


Yep, I know, I know, this is not going to easy, greatness never is. However the view at the end may be completely worth it!
Here are a view steps to help you make this shift and transition right now…
1.       RECOGONIZE THE PATTERNS. First step is to have self awareness of your EGO patterns and link that to your internal fear. Very simply put any negative emotion gives you a sign that you are in EGO. Anger can be a sign of you taking something personally- when you ask yourself why are you taking it personally do you get to those core beliefs mentioned above? If so you know you are coming from EGO (ps….be honest)
2.       LET GO AND LET FLOW. This change takes time; it is a cycle and requires patience and nurturing along the way. Do not Force or Push, surrender to the shift, trust and allow.
3.       CLARITY IS POWER. Have clear knowledge of who you are in your essence- this means defining your values clearly and committing to BEING your values by assigning clear action steps, rules, habits, rituals and routines to keep you aligned with your values.
4.       SPEAK CLEARLY. Turn all negative language around into positive language moving you towards what you want rather than keeping you stuck in an EGO reality. We know that every word said internally and externally programs our unconscious mind so be very careful about how you are programming yourself starting with your language.
5.       STAY IN WISDOM. Make all your choices from a place of grounded wisdom. A detached place of knowing that you are always ok and looked after as long as you follow your heart.
6.       MAKE GREAT CHOICES. Ensure you make choices in alignment with your values- including the people you bring into your life, the food you let into the body, and the actions you take
7.       STAY FOCUSED. Re-enforce this place every day with Auditory or Visual cues to constantly reprogram yourself- these may be affirmations which you hear or say to yourself or write in a daily journal and can also be in the form of a vision board you can reference every day.
On taking on my role as THE SELF LOVE MENTOR, I am here to help guide you and encourage you along this new path of being so please contact me with any questions or needs you would like to discus. (Email any questions here)
With this new level of awareness and commitment we make quantum shifts in ourselves, our energy and in the world. We will begin to see the world through an entirely different lens and different perspective- negativity can become a paradigm of the past and we can create a paradigm based on self love, self acceptance, self trust and self peace will be achieved by us discovering this level of peace within ourselves.

Towards your magnificence!
Lots of love,

Cheryne Blom
THE SELF LOVE MENTOR Please "LIKE" this post by clicking on the top of this page.
PS: I would love to hear your comments and stories. Please leave your comments here or email Please also share your comments on Facebook.

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